Double Eyed Needle


A must have tool when working on the Ribber. Can also be used to transfer stitches on the Main bed. Available in Standard Gauge (4.5mm) and Bulky Gauge (9mm). Bulky gauge needles can also be used with midgauge knitting machines (6 and 6.5mm). You will receive 4 needles in the gauge you choose, or you can get the variety 4 pack, which has 2 of each style. Works with all brands of machines.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Double Eyed Needle

4 Bulky Needles (9mm – also works with mid-gauge 6 and 6.5mm), 4 Standard Gauge Needles (4.5mm), Mix (2 Needles Standard + 2 Needles Bulky )


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