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Tag: Garter carriage problem
Simplifying Fixing Your Knitting Machine
We can’t believe it’s been 6 years since we started this journey! We have been very lucky to speak and email with so many of you during this process. And what we came to realize is that a simpler shopping experience and a simpler installation experience is an ideal experience for everyone. That is why we now only sell two types of sponges. We only sell adhesive back sponges because they cut installation time down to less than 5 minutes. And replacing an adhesive sponge is so much simpler than replacing one that was glued in since there is no mess and it peels right out – saving you time in the future! Our sponges for plastic knitting machines are extra sturdy and fit snugly into your machine with a special layer of fabric on both sides of the foam.
You may have noticed some sellers (and we were one of them when we started and didn’t know better) sell a different sponge for each make and model of knitting machines. We are going to reveal a little industry secret that other sellers wish you wouldn’t find out, that we found out by testing in over 50 different types of machines: the only difference between 95% of all common metal knitting machines when it comes to sponges, is the length of the bar. That’s it! So by selling one length of sponge, we allow you to cut it down to the right size for your machine without paying extra money for a couple of extra inches! Since you always have to cut down the sponge, no matter who you buy it from, we’re happy to provide you the option without adding to the cost (and if you have multiple machines, you don’t have to decide at checkout which machine the sponge is for – since it fits both bulky and standard gauge!). Of course there are plenty of sellers who offer cheaper sponges. We didn’t start on this journey to make money – we did it to help knitters like ourselves. Natalia started the company when her own knitting machine stopped working and she couldn’t find an American company online to replace her sponge (at the time only options in China and London were easily accessible and shipping took weeks!). By adding adhesive backing, sourcing and making the sponges in the USA, and using well compensated labor, we are supporting US based small businesses and workers. We believe the product speaks for our values and is well worth a couple of extra dollars. When you buy from other sellers you are most likely buying from a middle-man who gets their sponges from China and resells them to you. We hope that helps clear up any questions regarding price and quality. We are designers and knitters – and we use our sponges every single day in our own machines. Our income comes from our knitting and not selling sponges. Selling sponges is a great way for us to give back to the knitting community and supplement our own yarn buying habits! If you’ve ever e-mailed with us, you know we go above and beyond to make sure you are 100% happy because we know exactly what it’s like to be in your shoes.
Thank you for supporting our small business!
-The SpongeBar.com team (Natalia, Daniela, and Emily)